Latest News
Podiatric surgery item numbers reinstated
The APodA is pleased to share that all Podiatric Surgery item numbers, which were inadvertently removed from HICAPS following the 1 September 2024 update to the Podiatry billing schedule, are being reinstated.
That’s a wrap! Back to School 2025: Fit Feet = Fit Kids
Thank you for your support during the Back to School 2025: Fit Feet = Fit Kids campaign! We appreciate all of your efforts – whether it was sharing resources, engaging on social media, or spreading the message in your own way.
APodA advocacy update: February 2025
The latest updates from the APodA's advocacy team with information on changes to the Practitioner Portal & Application System, aged care reform, a TGA update on a new Procedure for Recalls, Product Alerts, and Product Corrections (PRAC) resource for sponsors, and more.
Read the APodA's Pre-Budget Submission 2025-2026: strengthening podiatry for all Australians
To help ensure podiatry remains a keystone in developing a contemporary, resilient and advanced healthcare system, the APodA recently welcomed the opportunity to put forward a submission to the 2025-26 Federal Budget on behalf of the profession.
Graduate with confidence backed by your professional association
To welcome new podiatry graduates to the profession and help them embark on their new careers with confidence, we are excited to offer an opportunity to upgrade student memberships to a graduate membership for free until 30 June 2025.
Important updates to the Privacy Act and support from the APodA
Significant updates to the Privacy Act came into effect in December 2024. It is crucial for all podiatrists and podiatry business owners to understand these changes, and implement them in their practices. Learn more about support available to you and on the way from the APodA.
Could you be the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research’s (JFAR) next editor-in-chief (Australia)?
The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) is currently inviting expressions of interest in the role of editor-in-chief (Australia). Read on to learn more about the role including how to apply. Submission deadline is 23 February 2025.
Special offer to celebrate the launch of our Musculoskeletal (MSK) Special Interest Group
We're excited to announce a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for podiatrists specialising in musculoskeletal practice. To celebrate the launch of our new MSK SIG, learn more about a special offer for APodA members!
2025 Calendar days of note to help you champion podiatry and more
To help podiatrists to advocate for our profession and recognise the contribution podiatry can make to people's overall health and wellbeing, we've put together a calendar of days of note you might like to observe or celebrate with your communities.
APodA signs on to Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Australia’s consensus statement
Following on from productive engagement earlier this year, the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Australia (JAFA) invited the APodA to review and support a consensus statement that supports the reduction of delays focused on diagnosing juvenile arthritis.
Help shape Diabetes Feet Australia’s Australian Foot Health and Disease in Diabetes Strategy 2030
DFA invites podiatrists to review and provide feedback on the draft version of the Australian Foot Health and Disease in Diabetes Strategy 2030: Improving the foot health of people living with diabetes.
‘Unleashing the Potential of Our Health Workforce’ final report released
The independent Scope of Practice Review has now been released, offering a high-level approach to unlocking the full potential of our health workforce. Read on for highlights specific to podiatry from the final report, 'Unleashing the Potential of Our Health Workforce'.
New TGA regulations for personalised medical devices (PMD)
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has introduced new regulations for personalised medical devices (PMD) which includes patient-matched medical devices, custom and adaptable orthoses. Here's what you need to know as a practitioner.
Contested role boundaries and professional title: Implications of the independent review of podiatric surgery in Australia
A new paper published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR), "Implications of the Independent Review of Podiatric Surgery in Australia", explores the recommendation to change the protected title from "podiatric surgeon" to "surgical podiatrist".
6 reasons why joining your professional association is a must for podiatry students
As a podiatry student, you’re embarking on a fulfilling journey in a highly specialised field of allied healthcare. Read on for six compelling reasons why joining your professional association as a student member is a must for podiatry students.
Professional Development Series ‘Paediatric Podiatry in Focus’ wrap up
Thank you to all the fantastic podiatrists, presenters, exhibitors, and contributors who joined us for the third and final PDS event for 2024, ‘Paediatric Podiatry in Focus’ recently. Take a look at photos from the event and read the full wrap.
Your support helped make Podiatry Week 2024 a success – thank you!
Thank you to our APodA community for your involvement in Podiatry Week 2024! Your efforts helped spread the word far and wide and made a real impact on raising awareness and showcasing the broad scope of podiatry. Read on for campaign results.
Reminder: Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) update re: Personalised Medical Devices
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued a reminder that any podiatrists intending to continue manufacturing or supplying patient-matched medical devices (PMMD) beyond 1 July 2029 must submit a transition notification by 1 November 2024.
New JFAR research reveals barriers and motivators for studying podiatry
Since 2015, podiatry enrolments at Australian and New Zealand universities have decreased by 17.3%. Learn about an important study conducted by Australian podiatry leaders to better understand some of the motivators and barriers to studying podiatry.
APodA advocacy update: October 2024
Read on for the latest updates from the APodA's advocacy team including TGA update re: personalised medical devices, postponed MBS chronic disease management changes, NDIS Pricing review, a new Claiming Podiatry MBS Items eLearning resource and more.
NDIS update for podiatrists: new changes
The NDIS Amendment Bill changes came into effect on 3 October 2024. The APodA recently met NDIS representatives to explore how best to support podiatrists moving forward in confidently navigating the NDIS scheme. Read on for a selection of relevant updates.
Have your say on a proposed change to the protected title for podiatric surgeons
Based on findings from the final report of the Independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons in Australia, the Podiatry Board of Australia is seeking feedback on a proposed change to the protected title for the specialty of podiatric surgery.
Annual Pricing Review: help secure the future for a better NDIS
Disappointingly, allied health NDIS price limits have not been increased this year across the board. The outcome of stagnated NDIS pricing for podiatry is undoubtedly putting pressure on podiatrists, especially considering labour costs and rents have increased.
Ahpra releases new guidance to help practitioners meet professional obligations when using AI
Ahpra has released new guidance to share what safe and effective use of AI should look like, and explain how the existing responsibilities outlined in the National Boards’ codes of conduct apply when practitioners incorporate AI into their practice.
NDIS update: NDIS Bill passes on 22 August
The passing of the NDIS Bill on 22 August has introduced significant changes to the NDIS Act, prompting concerns regarding the impact on podiatry services. The APodA is dedicated to advocating for clarity on how these changes will affect podiatrists both now and in the future.
Changes to MBS Chronic Disease Management Arrangements to come in November
The Department of Health and Aged Care has announced changes to MBS Chronic Disease Management Arrangements will come into effect on 1 November 2024. Recommended by the MBS Review Taskforce, these updates are the first major change to the framework since 2005.
Therapeutic Guidelines for treatment of tinea pedis updated
In 2023, the Therapeutic Guidelines were updated to change the recommended treatment for tinea pedis of the foot, not between the toes. Read on for the most up to date information regarding treatment of tinea pedis.
TGA reports Amoxicillin shortage
The Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) is reporting a shortage of some antibiotics containing Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. While some brands are unavailable, it is noted there should be enough supply of alternative brands.
Maximise your APodA membership by using our HR Hotline
If you’re faced with an HR crisis, or you simply want day-to-day workplace advice, our HR Hotline has APodA members covered. From between 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, the HR Hotline provides unlimited and untimed support from a team of employment law experts.
The Australian Podiatry Association partners with Plena Healthcare to drive podiatric patient outcomes
In a groundbreaking move to advance the podiatry profession and patient outcomes, the Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) has partnered with Plena Healthcare, which includes APodA membership for all of Plena's podiatry team.
Outreach podiatrist for rural and remote NT tender
Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN) is looking for podiatrists and service providers to deliver outreach podiatry services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living in rural and remote areas of the Northern Territory.
2024 Podiatry Billing Schedule Update
An updated Podiatry Billing Schedule is set for release from 1 September 2024, replacing the current schedule which was last updated and released in 2017. Private Healthcare Australia (PHA) has accepted the responsibility of managing the final public release and ongoing support of the schedule.
Professional Development Series ‘Business in Focus’ wrap up
Thank you to all the fantastic podiatrists, practice managers, esteemed presenters, exhibitors, and contributors who joined us for the ‘Business in Focus’ instalment of our Professional Development Series event in Terrigal NSW last week. Take a look at photos from the event and read the full wrap.
PDS Melbourne 'Paediatric Podiatry in Focus’ early bird open, save up to $400
Early bird registration is now open for the next instalment of our 2024 Professional Development Series, ‘Paediatric Podiatry in Focus’. Coming up from Friday 11 – Saturday 12 October, experience this immersive and exciting two-day symposium at the refurbished Rydges Melbourne.
Join APodA's Allied Health Assistant Reference Group
Are you curious about how allied health assistants (AHA) can be or are being used in podiatric care, interested in exploring new models of care and service, or keen to help review scope of practice? If so, we invite you to express your interest in joining APodA's AHA Reference Group.
Research study: networks of care, Australia's migrant and mobile health workforce
Are you a health worker who's trained and/or worked outside Australia? University of Sydney researchers would like to speak to you for their study exploring how healthcare workers’ family relationships and informal care responsibilities shape their migration decisions.
Help shape inclusive healthcare: University of Queensland PRIDE co-design project
Researchers at The University of Queensland are currently in phase one of their PRIDE co-design project. Take part in a study to better understand the normative landscape of the multi-sectoral primary and allied health workforce in relation to LGBTQIA+ affirming healthcare provision.
Guidance from TGA on personalised medical devices
Following the 2021 release of the updated Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices) Regulation, the APodA has been actively collaborating with the TGA on behalf of our profession. Recognising the significant impact of this legislation, we have developed an up-to-date Therapeutic Goods Member resource page with a new interactive section to assist podiatrists.
July 2024 update for QLD endorsed prescribers
Amendments to the Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 (MPMR) will come into effect in Queensland starting 1 July 2024. Make sure you're up-to-date with these latest changes to ensure compliance. Read on for all the details and to access resources via Queensland Health.
APodA advocacy update: July 2024
Read on for the latest updates from the APodA's advocacy team including outcomes from a recent 'Health Workforce Scope of Practice Review – Phase 3 workshop', an update from Ahpra regarding greater protection for the public under National Law changes, updates to Medicare and DVA fee schedules and more.
National Diabetes Week 2024
National Diabetes Week is coming up from 14-21 July 2024. Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and currently considered the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system. Read on for a link to Diabetes Australia's latest research report plus materials and resources for APodA members relating to diabetes and the high-risk foot.
NAIDOC Week 2024: Indigenous foot and lower limb health research collection
7-14 July is National NAIDOC Week 2024. It's an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. Read on for three important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ foot and lower limb health research pieces from JFAR.
Podiatry Board of Australia (Ahpra) review of the Criminal history registration standard
In 2023, the Podiatry Board of Australia (Ahpra) consulted widely on a range of reforms in its work to improve public safety in health regulation, including a series of questions about the current version of the criminal history standard. The Board now seeks feedback on how it has responded, the draft changes made to the criminal history standard, and more.
NDIS Provider Registration: what you need to know
According to a recent poll shared in our 'Podiatrists in Business' Facebook Group, 51% of respondents told us understanding how to navigate NDIS funding is a key challenge. Read on as we share information regarding NDIS Registration for providers, including requirements to become registered, plus recent updates to the AHPA’s NDIS Registration support website.
RESEARCH: Have your say and influence health care in Australia
In today's data-driven world, the significance of participating in research cannot be overstated. Whether it's sharing insights and experiences, or contributing to studies, every survey response plays a critical role in creating a meaningful impact. Read on as we share details of three research projects you can get involved in and help shape the future of health care in Australia.
EOIs open to join two reference groups and help shape APodA’s position on digital health and disability
APodA currently has two reference groups inviting expressions of interest (EOI) from professionals to help advise and shape our position on Advocacy Digital Health and Advocacy Disability. Only two places available on each panel, read on for all the details including how to apply.
Join Australia's premier social prescribing conference hosted by ASPIRE
ASPIRE invites you to Australia’s only social prescribing conference coming up from 25 - 27 June in Sydney, EACH24. Don't miss your unique opportunity to envision how we change the future of Australia’s health care through social prescribing.
Learn more about health sector women’s leadership scholarships
Women & Leadership Australia has announced new scholarships to enable more women to access world-class leadership and workplace skill development programs. With partial scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, there are four programs to suit women in non-leadership roles all the way up to senior executives.
Statement: APodA's response to cost-of-living support for students announcement
The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) welcomes the announcement this week from the Albanese Government about the establishment of a new Commonwealth payment for an estimated 68,000 students studying nursing, teaching and social work.
Take part in 'Imposter Syndrome in New Graduate Allied Health Professionals' – a research project from James Cook University
Are you a new graduate allied health professional (AHP), who graduated between November 2021 and December 2023? James Cook University (JCU) researchers are currently seeking volunteers to participate in an online study looking at the presence of imposter syndrome among new graduate allied health professionals, to understand if there is a relationship between demographic information.
Take part in Podiatry Board of Australia’s (Ahpra) public consultation
The Podiatry Board of Australia’s (Ahpra) independently chaired Accreditation Committee (the committee) has opened public consultation on its draft guidance on embedding good practice in clinical placements, simulation-based learning and virtual care in initial student health practitioner education.
Applications open for TAC’s 2024 Value-based Healthcare Innovation Grants
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has announced applications are now open for its 2024 Value-based Healthcare Innovation Grants. The program assists TAC health service providers to put value-based healthcare into practice. Grants of up to $150,000 are available for value-based healthcare projects.
'Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – Scope of Practice Review – Issues Paper 2' released
The 'Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – Scope of Practice Review – Issues Paper 2' has recently been released, proposing further options for reform to enable health professionals to work to their full scope of practice and improve primary care.