APodA advocacy update: October 2024

APodA advocacy update: October 2024

2 Oct 2024

APodA advocacy update: October 2024
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) – personalised medical devices

The TGA has issued a reminder that any podiatrists intending to continue manufacturing or supplying patient-matched medical devices (PMMD) beyond 1 July 2029 must submit a transition notification by 1 November 2024.

The TGA strongly recommends that, even if you have previously submitted a custom-made medical device (CMMD) notification via the business.gov.au website or a patient-matched device notification through the Citizen Space platform, you resubmit your notifications using the new TGA database.

Please note, the transition period for PMMDs ends on 1 July 2029. To continue supplying these devices beyond this date, you must apply for their inclusion in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) before the deadline.

For further information, including how to set up an account and submit your notification, please visit the TGA's website here >>

Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) 1 November chronic disease management changes – postponed

Planned changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for chronic disease management have been postponed until 1 July 2025. Originally scheduled to commence on 1 November 2024, the additional time will support all practices and providers, including GPs and allied health providers, to be ready for the changes to these important services.

Further information is available at Upcoming changes to MBS Chronic Disease Management Arrangements | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

NDIS Pricing set for review by new Independent Pricing Committee

A new Independent Pricing Committee has been established to review the pricing approaches of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Committee, chaired by Stephen Anthony, along with members Gemma Henderson and Dr Ron Ben-David, will provide expert advice to the NDIA Board, focusing on creating a more sustainable and higher quality provider market.

The first recommendations are expected by the end of this year, with additional recommendations in early 2025, as part of the 2024-25 Annual Pricing Review. This review is a critical step in ensuring that NDIS participants receive value for money, while also encouraging providers to deliver high-quality supports.

As the NDIS undergoes significant reform, the pricing review will involve consultations with people with disabilities, providers, and unions to ensure a balanced and inclusive approach.

The APodA will continue to work with its Disability Reference Group and AHPA's working group to monitor further updates on this important development.

Read the Minister’s announcement here >>

Urgent action on arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions

The APodA participated in an arthritis event in Canberra in August. Our representative was the amazing Laura Khuu (PAC Committee member).

They’ve now released the communique, and it’s wonderful to see our logo and support for this amazing call for action.

Victorian podiatrists – share your views on working with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

The TAC has launched its annual Provider Experience Survey and wants to hear your views on working with them and providing services to TAC clients.

Valuable feedback from TAC providers is critical in shaping the delivery of safe, high-quality, outcomes-focused care for TAC clients and ensuring a positive experience for providers.

The survey is open until 21 October and takes ten minutes to complete. It can be completed by any TAC provider who has delivered treatment or services to a TAC client in the last 12 months. Please feel free to share with relevant colleagues.

To take part, access the survey here >>

Medicare: New Claiming Podiatry MBS Items eLearning resource released

A new eLearning resource has been released on the Services Australia Health Professional Education Resources (HPE) website, sharing guidance on Claiming Podiatry MBS Items including:

  • understanding patient eligibility
  • telehealth services requirements
  • service, referral and reporting requirements

If you have any feedback on these resources, contact the HPE team.

Access the new eLearning module Claiming Podiatry MBS Items (MBSM52) here >>

To learn more about the advocacy work we do to support our members and the broader podiatry profession, please click here.
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