National Diabetes Week 2024

National Diabetes Week 2024

4 Jul 2024

National Diabetes Week 2024

National Diabetes Week runs from 14-21 July 2024. Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and currently considered the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system.

There are currently almost 2 million Australians (about 5.5% of the population) living with all types of diabetes (known and registered on the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)) and up to 500,000 people living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Over 300 people in Australia are diagnosed with diabetes every day.

There is an urgent need for national action to address the epidemic's impact on individuals and the health care system. Over the past twelve years, Diabetes Australia‘s research program has invested around $36 million in over 500 diabetes research projects across Australia to help better understand and manage this chronic disease.

Diabetes poses a significant risk to lower limb health, making regular foot health screenings by podiatrists vital. The APodA congratulates Diabetes Australia on the release of ‘The State of the Nation 2024: The Diabetes Epidemic in Australia’.

Read the ‘The State of the Nation 2024: The Diabetes Epidemic in Australia’ for key insights and recommendations here >>

Additional resources for APodA members

Diabetes assessment and management forms a huge part of what podiatrists do. We've put together a range of educational materials, resources and more relating to diabetes and the high-risk foot.

To access these resources, APodA members please click here >> 
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