STRIDE Contributor Guidelines
We are always looking for new and interesting topics to profile. There are a couple of guidelines to bear in mind first of all. If these meet your expectations, please refer to ‘next steps’ at the end of this document.
In participating in an article for STRIDE, APodA reserves the right to syndicate or repurpose this material in all its forms across all APodA-managed communications platforms.
Content requirements
Ensure the information:
- Is likely to be entirely new for our podiatrist readers– e.g. new clinical insights, new ways of working, recent studies or reports which are worthy of a wider audience, new statistics, and so forth. Please indicate if (and where) this information, or part thereof, has been published prior.
- Must have national or international relevance and it cannot be state-specific, in order to reflect the interests of our Australian and global readers.
- Needs to speak to podiatrists directly. Please ensure the tone and content are not aimed at health consumers or the general public, and that it reflects (and respects) the deep clinical knowledge podiatrists have.
Be aware that:
- There is no soliciting for business opportunities either directly or indirectly is allowed (e.g. product name placement, pitching your business directly or inadvertently and so forth). We can run the URL of your business website at the end of the article and include your place of work in your bio, which accompanies the article. You are welcome to place an advertisement in the corresponding STRIDE issue (subject to approval and space availability).
- It is assumed that all of the information shared is accurate, being statistically and factually correct and that you wholly take responsibility for any inaccuracies published, which may be reflected in an editorial apology if required. Any statistics, facts, figures or attributions to other published content must be clearly and accurately referenced in the article. Note that the following statement may accompany articles in STRIDE: “This editorial reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Podiatry Association.”
- If factual or typographic errors are made in your article, a retraction may be published in the following issue of STRIDE at the Editor’s discretion. Please note that the onus is on the author of the article in this retraction to take responsibility for any such oversights.
- Potential sensitivities in the article must be communicated clearly. If there are sensitivities in the article (such as the content or advice not reflecting guidelines provided by a known national authority or entity) then please address this clearly in the article and ensure the editor is made aware of any such sensitivities before submitting the article.
The following editorial processes are required:
- The article length can be anywhere between 800 words to 1200 words.
- The editor will edit your article to ensure it reflects the Style Guide. In some cases, light edits will be made and in other cases, the article may be rewritten if needed to reflect the style of STRIDE. You will be sent an amended copy as a courtesy heads-up.
- When mentioning the names of individuals or entities, it is understood that you will communicate their involvement in advance of article submission. It is also assumed that the spelling of names and individuals supplied in your article is correct and legally compliant (such as full names for organisations as they appear on their official websites). This also applies to any individuals or entities who appear in photographs.
Submission requirements
When submitting your article, please send a single email to the editor by the issue deadline containing:
- your proofread article
- 100-word bio
- all photos including your head shot (over 1MB each and with correctly-spelt captions saved in the file names). Not all photos may be published if space does not allow.
- please be aware that if the above is not submitted in full by the deadline, your article may not be published.
Next steps
If the above reflects your expectations, we look forward to working with you! Please email our editor at with:
- Your suggested topic/angle (just a paragraph outlining why this topic is likely to reflect new information for podiatrists).
- The suggested magazine issue you would like this to appear in.
- Your preferred word count.
- Confirmation that you can submit the article, your 100-word bio and all photos in a single email by the set deadline.
- The editor will advise next steps from there. Please wait for confirmation before starting to write the article.