Endorsement FAQs
What is an APodA Product Endorsement?
The APodA Product Endorsement is a qualified recognition of quality footwear assessed by podiatry professionals. The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) offers endorsement opportunities to organisations that have high quality product/s that meet or exceed base-level podiatry standards that promote positive foot health.
How is Product Endorsement acquired?
Product endorsement is only earned after passing a rigorous podiatry test. Importantly, the test may only be judged and completed by qualified Podiatrists. Specifically, APodA engage a panel of four independently practicing Ahpra registered Podiatrists with four years training, a minimum of five years’ experience in clinical practice and currently working in clinical practice to form the APodA Product Endorsement Review Panel. The Panel then review the product against the Product Assessment Criteria and rate it against numerous criterium. It is then taken to the Regional Committee to review the assessment by the Panel and they can provide additional feedback which influences the endorsement.
You can read the full Endorsement process here.
What is the Product Endorsement Program assessing?
Essentially, the Product Endorsement Program serves to recognise quality footwear that supports the APodA mission of continuously improving foot health for the Australian people. To gain APodA endorsement the product/s must pass the Product Assessment process and fulfil all the following criteria:
- Related to the profession of podiatry and/or general foot health
- Of a consistently high standard
- Of merchantable quality
- Consistent with the qualities of the product submitted for approval by APodA
- Fit for the purpose for which acquired
- Does not and will not offend the public
- Consistent with the good name, goodwill and reputation of APodA
- Compliant with all applicable laws, codes of conduct, standards and regulations regulating manufacture, assembly, labelling, packaging, storage and sale in the place in which it is sold
- Not associated with any ethical concerns or misleading in terms of production, marketing and use
- Not from a company with whom APodA may have a conflict of interest
- Free of any record of poor performance or deleterious effects
- Supported by research and/or technical material where appropriate
How is the marketing of the product/s assessed?
The products and the associated sales/marketing claims that are used to promote each product are assessed on the following grounds:
- Is the product positive for foot health?
- Does the product meet its stated claim/s?
- Does the product serve a beneficial purpose for the podiatry profession?
What happens if I don’t meet all the criteria?
The test will provide detail on where your product has not met the required standard to secure endorsement. You will then have the opportunity to re-supply supporting documentation or make amendments to improve your product/s to be reassessed.
How do I apply for a Product Endorsement?
Contact Phil McShane at APodA to discuss the Endorsement program further:
Phone: (03) 9416 3111
Email: phil.mcshane@podiatry.org.au
What are the benefits of having a product endorsed?
Like other category ratings, you will be able to use the APodA Endorsement logo on all marketing communications as a stamp of quality. This serves to recognise product quality, whilst setting you apart from your competitors. The APodA Endorsement allows the organisation to utilise APodA Endorsement logo (under agreed terms) in advertising, marketing and POS materials to demonstrate the level of excellence of the product. It can be used as a tool to differentiate your product/s from your competitors and potentially open up new market opportunities.
What are the costs involved with applying for Product Endorsement?
You can get a full list of costs by contacting the APodA here. There is a cost upon applying for the assessment process. All money from the Endorsement Program goes towards further research into podiatry to improve industry practices.