Podiatry Week Image Library

Podiatry Week Image Library

The APodA is on the hunt for inspirational images of podiatrists doing amazing podiatry work, treating a diverse range of patients in all settings.

Mark your calendars for the much anticipated Podiatry Week (formerly known as Foot Health Week) scheduled for 9th – 15th October 2023. This year we aim to spotlight the diverse scope of podiatrists, their dynamic workplaces and the broad spectrum of patients they treat. We are using the tagline, ‘Podiatry, more than you think’, and hope to build community awareness, ignite interest in the profession and particularly captivate those contemplating a career shift (eg nurses) or high school leavers to consider studying podiatry so we can build our workforce.

How you can help.

We are looking for REAL, inspirational member images to use as part of our marketing assets for this campaign. Examples of ideas we are looking for are podiatrists on location doing interesting and diverse work.

Here are some examples:

  • boarding the RFD plane travelling to remote communities
  • onsite at the ADF or similar workplaces
  • on the sports field/court (taping the Matilda's would be amazing)
  • using technology in the clinic setting
  • demonstrating exercise prescription
  • the HR hospital environment with a team of medical specialists (appeal to those that didn’t get into medicine/nursing)
  • complex patients/conditions eg: disability, aged care, wounds, dermatology,
  • growth and development assessment/treatments eg: paediatrics
  • servicing rural and remote communities
  • home visit services
  • patient care/interaction
  • footwear services
  • teaching and research
  • case conferencing, working in Multi D teams
  • surgery and prescribing
  • the podiatry student experience – uni & placement life

Your support in sharing the marketing and promotional resources we create will greatly contribute to celebrating the extraordinary diversity within our profession. Together, we shall elevate the profile of podiatry and generate interest in podiatry as a rewarding career, boosting university enrolments and building the podiatry workforce.

Thank you for supporting the APodA and inspiring future generations through this promotional initiative.

Please note: By submitting your images, you grant permission to the APodA to use the image(s) for the podiatry week campaign 2023 and/or the choose podiatry career campaign 2023.

Submit your images

  • Use the upload form below to submit up to 5 images.
  • We need your name and contact details so that we can follow up if required.
  • If you have more than 5 images that you would like to share, you can come back here & re-submit.
  • Again, thank you!