New Professional 1st Year (New Professional 1st Year Membership) : Sign Up

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New Registration

  1. Address

  2. Business/Employer Details (Primary Practice)

  3. Education - Undergraduate Podiatry Student

  4. Education - Other Qualification/Postgrad Qualification

  5. APERF Donation

  6. Once you have completed your registration you will be given an opportunity to make a tax deductible donation to the Australian Podiatry Education Research Fund.

  7. Advocacy Insights

  8. The APodA is advocating in the areas of disability, aged care and business support. Your answers to the questions below will inform and strengthen our advocacy position. 

  9. Flat hourly rate under the HPSS Award Retainer with a bonus
    Contractor with an ABN and invoice Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (public sector)
    Business owner (pay myself what's left at end of period) None of the above
  10. Salary Mentoring
    Flexibility / work life balance Diversity in settings and patient variety
    Career Development CPD provision
    None of the above
  11. APodA's HR advisory service Fair Work Ombudsman
    An industrial relations lawyer Other HR advisory service
    None of the above
  12. Insurance

  13. You will now be able to manage your insurance directly with BMS, the APodA insurance broker, via the NEW BMS Portal. The portal gives you direct access to download your important insurance documents, lodge claims or purchase other insurance products.

    Once you have signed up or renewed your APodA membership you will receive an email from us with instructions on how to access the BMS Portal.

  14. Join the conversation, the APodA is seeking expressions of interest in the establishment of an MSK podiatry group for members focused on education and knowledge sharing. 

  15. Subscriptions

  16. The APodA aims to keep you up to date with the latest news, events, CPD opportunities and information relevant to your membership and industry.

    You can receive information via your email address and/or mobile number*.

    * We typically only use SMS messaging to let you know about a specific event/opportunity. More comprehensive communications is delivered via email.