

Enjoy full APodA member benefits at a pro-rata rate!

Access our podiatry community, member priced webinar, eCourses, competitive PI and PL insurance rates*, exclusive resources, discounted event registrations (yes, even our conference next year!) and more until 30 June 2025.

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APodA memberships are an investment in your podiatry career!

Australian Podiatry Association members learn more, connect more and save more!

Whether you're just starting out as a graduate podiatrist, building your skills and networks in the early career phase, embarking on business ownership or even becoming an expert in your scope of practice, we're right there by your side.

Join your professional peers and be part of the podiatry community that supports podiatrists and the podiatry profession.

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You must be a current Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) member to be eligible to register for the APodA Member Insurance program. You must be part of the APodA Member Insurance program in order to access additional cover. If your membership ceases you will not be offered renewal when your policy expires. In offering this insurance to our members APodA is a distributor of BMS Risk Solutions Pty Ltd (BMS) AFSL 461594, ABN 45161187980. The insurance is arranged by BMS under binder with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds (the insurer). When acting under a binder BMS acts as agent for the insurer and not as your agent. This is general advice only and BMS has not considered whether it was suitable for your personal circumstances, current objectives, needs or financial situation. Please read the Policy Wording and the BMS Terms of Engagement which contains the Financial Services Guide before making a decision about purchasing this policy. As a distributor, APodA receives an annual payment from BMS which is used for insurance related marketing and professional development activities to support our members.