Membership Policy

Membership Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide definitions of membership categories, eligibility, the application process, fees and entitlements. This policy also describes the required procedures for resignation and membership revocation.

Membership Eligibility
Applications for membership are open to practising and non-practising podiatrists, podiatric surgeons and podiatry students enrolled in a university course and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).

Membership Categories, Criteria and Entitlements

Podiatrists and podiatric surgeons registered with Ahpra. Professional members have access to all member services, have full voting rights and are eligible to join the APodA Board. Podiatric surgeons do not have access to the professional indemnity insurance covered under the APodA Member Insurance Program with BMS.

Graduate podiatrists and graduate podiatric surgeons registered with Ahpra and working their first professional year since graduation.

New professional 1st year members have access to all member services, have full voting rights, and are eligible to join the APodA Board. Podiatric surgeons do not have access to the professional indemnity insurance covered under the APodA Member Insurance Program with BMS. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) publishing support is not available to new professionals.

New professional podiatrists and new professional podiatric surgeons registered with Ahpra and working their second professional year since graduation.

New professional 2nd year members have access to all member services, have full voting rights, and are eligible to join the APodA Board. Podiatric surgeons do not have access to the professional indemnity insurance covered under the APodA Member Insurance Program with BMS. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) publishing support is not available to new professionals.

New professional podiatrists and new professional podiatric surgeons registered with Ahpra and working their third professional year since graduation.

New professional 3rd year members have access to all member services, have full voting rights, and are eligible to join the APodA Board. Podiatric surgeons do not have access to the professional indemnity insurance covered under the APodA Member Insurance Program with BMS. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) publishing support is not available to new professionals.

For podiatrists and podiatric surgeons not working in a clinical podiatry role or environment, i.e. non-practising. The APodA has the right to deny membership to this category if the eligibility criteria are not met or insufficient evidence is provided to meet the category.

Eligible examples:

  • Individuals undertaking full-time postgraduate study and not working in a clinical role
  • Full-time academic
  • Permanently retired
  • On full-time parental leave during the membership period
  • Working or travelling overseas during the membership period
  • Ahpra Non-Practising registration

Affiliate membership exclusions:

  • HR Service
  • Classified advertising
  • Directory Listing on Find A Podiatrist
  • Voting Rights (with the exception of Ahpra registered podiatrists and podiatric surgeons)
  • Not eligible to join the APodA Board
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance with BMS under the APodA Member Insurance Program
  • JFAR Publishing support (with the exception of Ahpra registered podiatrists and podiatric surgeons)

Non-practising podiatrists that have previously been practising are required to ensure their professional indemnity insurance requirements, including run-off insurance, are addressed. Such insurance coverage may be a requirement of their registration and ensure they are protected from future claims which may arise during the period they were practising.

*APodA members who change their membership category to affiliate, and already hold insurance under the APodA Member Insurance Program may be eligible for Run Off cover with BMS. Contact BMS prior to the date you will become a non-practising podiatrist, and prior to your policy expiry date.

Podiatry student members that have successfully completed their podiatry degree are automatically upgraded to a complimentary graduate membership once their Ahpra registration has been confirmed. Members who hold a graduate membership have access to complimentary Professional Indemnity and Public & ProductsLiability insurance with BMS under the APodA Member Insurance Program. However, the complimentary insurance is not automatically provided as part of your graduate membership. As a graduate member, you must apply for cover directly with BMS via the BMS Portal.

The graduate membership is valid until 30 June after which the New Professional 1st Year category applies.

Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) publishing support is not available to graduate members.

An undergraduate podiatry student includes UWA and Monash University students undertaking the Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine. The APodA has the right to deny membership to this category if the eligibility criteria is not met or insufficient evidence is provided to meet the category.

Members who hold a Student Membership have access to complimentary Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability insurance with BMS under the APodA Member Insurance Program. However, the complimentary insurance is not automatically provided as part of your Student Membership. As a student member, you must apply for cover directly with BMS via the BMS Portal.

Student members are non-voting members and are not eligible to join the APodA Board. All other member services are fully accessible with the exception of Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (JFAR) publishing support.

Honorary and Life membership is granted at the discretion of the APodA Board. Honorary and Life members who are registered with Ahpra have access to full member services and voting rights and are eligible to join the APodA Board. Honorary and Life members who are NOT registered with Ahpra have access to limited member services.

Honorary and Life non Ahpra registered member exclusions:

  • HR Service
  • Directory Listing on Find A Podiatrist
  • Classified advertising
  • Voting rights
  • Not eligible to join the APodA Board
  • JFAR publishing support

Voting and Election Eligibility
Members with full Ahpra registration are entitled to:

  • Stand for election as a board member
  • Nominate and vote for the election of board members
  • Vote on matters pertaining to notified business at the AGM/SGM

Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability insurance

Registered practising podiatrists are required to maintain professional indemnity insurance which is an Ahpra registration standard. While you're not required to get insurance through the APodA Member Insurance Program with BMS, all APodA members must have insurance while practising.

Some members are eligible to access Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability insurance under the APodA Member Insurance Programwith BMS. Student and graduate members can access complimentary insurance for the term of their membership under the student and graduate category by applying for cover with BMS.

Under the APodA Member Insurance Program, Run Off cover is available to members retiring or permanently ceasing practice. Run Off cover must be activated prior to the expiry of your policy, noting the date that you are permanently ceasing practice.

Ahpra registered podiatrists are required to maintain professional indemnity insurance whilst practising as a registration standard. For more information on PI insurance as a registration standard visit the Podiatry Board of Australia’s website

Terms and Conditions

Members of the APodA are bound by:

  • The APodA's Constitution and Code of Conduct
  • The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (2009)
  • National Standards, Guidelines, Policies and Codes of the Podiatry Board of Australia

Membership Fees

  • Membership fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • Membership categories and fees are subject to change at membership renewal time.
  • Changes to a members membership category during the membership period must be made by written request to the APodA
  • Membership fees include GST.
  • Membership fees can be paid in full or by monthly or quarterly instalments by credit card, direct debit or bank transfer.
  • Any non-payment of monthly fees will suspend membership benefits until the outstanding balance has been paid. Outstanding fees will be recovered as an outstanding debt due.

Note: Registered, practising podiatrists are required to maintain professional indemnity insurance which is an Ahpra registration standard.


  • Membership fees are non-refundable.
  • The membership period is from 1 July to 30 June of each year.
  • Members who have a change in circumstance within the membership period may be eligible to alter their membership to a different membership category.
  • Cancellation of membership may only be considered for significant extenuating circumstances (such as financial hardship). Applications for cancellation must be put in writing to the Membership Manager. The decision of the membership manager will be final. email:

You must be a current APodA member to be eligible for the APodA Member Insurance Program. If your membership ceases you will not be offered renewal when your policy expires. In arranging this insurance for our members, APodA is acting as a distributor of BMS Risk Solutions Pty Ltd (BMS) AFSL 461594, ABN 45161187980. The insurance is issued by BMS under binder with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds. When acting under a binder BMS acts as agent for the insurer and not as your agent. This is general advice only and BMS has not considered whether it was suitable for your particular objectives, needs or financial situation. Please read the Policy Wording and BMS Terms of Engagement which contains the Financial Services Guide before making any decision about purchasing this policy.