

National Groups

Are you looking to supercharge your knowledge, network with podiatrists and healthcare professionals who have the same clinical interests and explore scope-specific education and opportunities? The APodA's Special Interest Groups are here to take your podiatry career to the next level. Our SIG's are dedicated communities of members who share an interest in specific areas such as paediatrics, aged care, business and medicines.

Why join a SIG?

  • Extend your knowledge, learn from industry leaders
  • Network and connect with peers, exchange ideas and build your professional network
  • Collaborate on research and projects that can drive positive change
  • Access exclusive resources tailored to your specific interest
  • Professional growth, elevate your career by staying ahead of the curve in your chosen field

If you are an existing APodA member and would like to join any of the SIG's click here to JOIN

To learn more about the APodA's SIGs click on the details link in the below table.

Special Interest Groups Description
Australian Paediatric Podiatry

APP is a community of member podiatrists with a key interest in paediatrics.

Podiatry Aged Care

PAC is a community of member podiatrists treating elderly clients either in aged care facilities, in-home services or in clinics.

Podiatrists in Business

PIB is a community of member podiatrists who own a podiatry practice or have an interest in business.

Medicines In Podiatry

MIP is a community of member podiatrists with an interest in medicines including endorsed prescribers and those undertaking the endorsement pathway.

Musculoskeletal Podiatry

MSK is a community of member podiatrists with an interest in musculoskeletal conditions affecting the foot and ankle.


Exclusive member-only community groups

Peer support and friendships are an invaluable benefit of APodA membership, providing access to knowledge, news, events, job opportunities and both personal and professional relationships. Join a range of groups to build your community, including the Members-only Facebook group, industry-wide regional groups, plus Instagram and LinkedIn connections.

Facebook groups
Podiatry Careers
For all podiatrists to stay in touch with career opportunities, podiatry jobs, for-sale listings, APodA events and more
Public-access View
Podiatrists in Business
For members who own a podiatry practice interested in furthering their knowledge and connecting with others
Member-only View
Medicines in Podiatry
For members who are passionate and interested in furthering their knowledge in scheduled medicines.
Member-only View
Australian Paediatrics Podiatry
For members who are passionate and interested in furthering their knowledge in paediatric podiatry.
Member-only View
Podiatry Aged Care
For members who are passionate and interested in furthering their knowledge in the aged care sector.
Member-only View
Core Podiatry
For members who are passionate and interested in furthering their knowledge in the clinical space
Member-only View
Musculoskeletal Podiatry
For members who are passionate and interested in furthering their knowledge in musculoskeletal conditions
Member-only View

APodA Online Communities

You can follow or join our online communities below.

Membership Types >