Patient Information

Patient Information

The Australian Podiatry Association is the largest and oldest peak body representing podiatry and promoting foot health in Australia. As the leading provider of quality continuing education for podiatrists, we support our members with opportunities to develop their professional career, uphold standards and build connections.

Learn more about the role of podiatrists in foot health – and how this can benefit your general overall health.

Podiatrists are foot health experts who are university-trained to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Often, these conditions stem from other underlying health issues such as diabetes, stress fractures and arthritis.

Podiatrists are all around you, and they work in both public health centres and private practice clinics. To find a podiatrist near you, you can search by location via:

Find A Podiatrist


When to see a Podiatrist

Ageing Feet

Corns and Calluses


Fungal and Nail Infections

Footwear Health Check

Gait Analysis

Incorrectly Fitted Shoes


School Shoes