Career Framework - Guidelines

Career Framework - Guidelines

1. Purpose

The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) has developed these guidelines for the career framework pathways of Credentialled Paediatric Podiatrist and Credentialled Sports / Biomechanics Podiatrist.

These guidelines aim to ensure that both the progression of participants and assessors through the framework is a robust and fair process. The guidelines also provide career framework participants and assessors with a clear process for application, fees and payments awarded as part of the program.

The guidelines mean that the APodA Career Framework can be relied on to be of consistent high quality, relevant to podiatrists, and have clear, credible and meaningful learning outcomes.

2. Introduction

The career framework is a competency-based framework for the development of podiatry in Australia. The APodA recognises two credentialled pathways; Paediatric Podiatrist and Sports / Biomechanics Podiatrist. The provision of the career framework aligns with the purpose of the APodA to: Lead and Strengthen the Podiatry Profession.

Registered podiatrists whom meet the criteria for application are able to apply to enter the career framework, working towards one of the credentialled streams. The credentials will assist podiatrists to build their careers in their key interest areas and become recognised by the profession and consumers.

The curriculum and assessment of the APodA Career Framework has been structured around the CanMEDS framework. CanMEDS is a universally recognised and adopted physician competency framework. A credentialled podiatrist will therefore personify and seamlessly integrate the competencies of all seven CanMEDS roles:

  • Medical Expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Leader
  • Health Advocate
  • Scholar
  • Professional

Assessment of each participant will be measured in knowledge and skills specific to the components of the interest area in:

  1. Assessment and management of the foot and lower limb
  2. Leadership in paediatric or sports/biomechanics podiatry
  3. Contribution to evidence

Those who have completed the APodA Career Framework credentialling pathway may use the title:

  • Credentialled Sports / Biomechanics Podiatrist - APodA
  • Credentialled Paediatric Podiatrist - APodA

Note: The title is only available to be used by members of the Australian Podiatry Association.

The APodA Career Framework Reference Group is responsible for upholding the principles contained within these guidelines whilst credentialled podiatrists have automatic enrolment into the APodA Career Framework Assessor Group.

3. Glossary of terms

Term Definition

Credentialled Sports / Biomechanics Podiatrist

The APodA approved title reserved for the exclusive use by podiatrists who have successfully completed the requirements of the Sports / Biomechanics Career Framework

Credentialled Paediatric Podiatrist

The APodA approved title reserved for the exclusive use by podiatrists who have successfully completed the requirements of the Paediatric Career Framework

Credentialled Podiatrist

The APodA conferred title of a podiatrist who has successfully completed the requirements of the APodA Career Framework

The APodA Career Framework Reference Group

The APodA appointed members assigned to assess and uphold these guidelines and maintain the prinicples of the APodA Career Framework program.

The APodA Career Framework Assessor Group

The group formed by APodA members who have successfully completed the APodA Career Framework

Conflict of Interest

A conflict that may arise when an individual has duties, roles or relationships that may improperly influence the performance of the duties of their role. A conflict of interest exists if you have worked with, work with and/or have published with the participant within 3 years.

Risk of Bias

Greater than 3 years out of engagement to be a perception of bias eg: former student, work colleague, co-author. A noted bias is then up to the assessor to consider if they have a risk of bias based on their knowledge of the person being assessed and use their judgement as to if that knowledge of their skills/previous engagement and rule themselves out if they don't think they can be fair and unbiased based on that.

4. Application to the career framework

To apply to the career framework applicants must be a current member of the APodA and member of Sports and Exercise Podiatrists Australia (SEPA)*

* Please note: The SEPA membership requirement is only applicable to Sports / Biomechanics pathway.

The applicant will complete a statement describing their level of interest and outlining why they would like to obtain the credential. The APodA Career Framework Reference Group will then review applications.

Applicants must have at least two (2) years of clinical experience since graduation from their podiatry degree to be considered for application to the APodA Career Framework pathway.

5. Application via recognition of prior learning (RPL)

There are occasoinally circumstances by which a candidate believes that they may meet the requirements for application by RPL. Such examples of RPL may include the successful completion of the Master of Sports Science, Graduate Certificate in Sports Medicine or the Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine offered through University of Melbourne. If a prospective participant has completed a course or degree prior and believe that they may be eligible for RPL, email the APodA at Upon completiong of an RPL application, the APodA Career Framework Reference Group will assess the application.

*Please note: As part of APodA's commitment to continuous improvement and quality-assurance, the RPL process is currently on hold whilst we undergo a review and update. The anticipated timeline to start accepting applications again is mid 2025.

6. Curriculum milestones / 'hurdles'

The APodA Career Framework is made up of four (4) distinct milestones that need to be completed sequentially. Each milestone is considered a 'hurdle', with progression through the framework continuing once each milestone is successfully completed.

6.1 Personal portfolio

This portfolio will enable participants to meet the requirements of demonstrating Leadership in podiatry and Contribution to Evidence. A participant must complete a portfolio within 24 months of enrolling which contains the following:

  • Five (5) examples of demonstration of leadership within their interest stream.
  • Five (5) examples of demonstration of contribution to evidence within their interest stream.

A member of the APodA Career Framework Assessor Group will confer completion of the personal portfolio.

6.2 Case study portfolio

The case study portfolio enables participants to meet the requirements of demonstrating knowledge relevant to the assessment and management of the foot and lower limb. Career framework participants must complete a case study portfolio containing no less than 15 competent clinical case studies.

  • The first two (2) case studies are submitted for more extensive feedback to make sure participants are progressing in the right direction.
  • The cases will be assessed and marked as competent or not competent.
  • Not competent cases cannot be used in the overall portfolio.
  • The first case must be marked as competent before the remainder can be logged.
  • There is no limit to the amount of first cases that can be marked as not competent, however if three (3) have been marked as not competent a period of self-reflection may be required to determine if the competency level is achievable.
  • The first case must be submitted within 2 months of registering for the framework.

6.3 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exam

Once participants have successfully completed the case study portfolio, they will be invited to sit the MCQ Exam. The MCQ exam is intended to test practical application of knowledge from the clinical interest area curriculum. The CanMEDS headings assessed in the MCQ exam are:

  • Scholar
  • Clinical Expert; and,
  • Health Advocate.

Multiple choice questions will span the whole of the curriculum and will be sourced from the knowledge headings and the specific skills and learning outcomes as detailed in each credentialled pathway curriculum. Not all sections of the curriculum will be covered in every exam, however, it is strongly recommend that participants are comfortable with all of the knowledge in the curriculum.

The MCQ exam is an online exam which will be held at an APodA office in the participants state (if one exists) or a suitable alternative (such as a university) with an exam invigilator present. Online invigilation is also available for rural and remote participants or where required. The structure of the exam will be as follows: 70 MCQ’s in 1.5 hours. The pass rate is 50%. Any candidate who has failed the exam will be entitled to have an interview with a member of the APodA Career Framework Assessor Group to discuss their performance.

6.4 Viva exam

The Viva exam assesses clinical, critical thinking. The CanMEDS headings being assessed in the Viva exam are:

  • Clinical Expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Scholar
  • Professional

A candidate will videotape an initial consult in their own practising environment. A suitable privacy / confidentiality statement will need to be obtained from the patient prior to videotaping. Consultation notes must be written on a blank piece of paper without the use of a template. These recording and clinical notes will be submitted to the APodA who will source two suitable examiners; one from the Sports / Biomechanics assessor group and one from the Paediatric assessor group.

Examiners will review the recorded consult and come together to discuss and agree on some initial questions for the exam. A suitable time will be scheduled for the Viva exam interview. This interview will be conducted between the candidate and examiners via the APodA’s online system (using the Zoom platform). Examiners will take approximately 45 - 60 mins to determine competency in the Viva exam.

The candidate will be marked with either:

  • Not competent; or,
  • Competent.

7. Participant fees during the career framework

*All participants must hold an active APodA membership whilst participating in the career framework program and whilst holding their title

APodA Career Framework Application

$300 AUD

Case Study Portfolio Assessment Fee

$300 AUD

MCQ Exam Assessment Fee

$300 AUD per application

Viva Exam Assessment Fee

$500 AUD per application

Payment is to be made via credit card. Payment requests will be sent to participants as required.

Where a re-sit of any of the assessment stages is required, the full fee will be charged again.

8. Timeline

The career framework is based on self-directed learning. To be expected, each participant will demonstrate varied levels of competency, thus participants will complete the framework at variable times. The full requirements of the framework must be completed within two years (24 months) of registering for the APodA Career Framework. If a leave of absence is required, participants are required to apply in writing to the APodA Career Framework Reference Group for approval. Examples of relevant leave of absence requests would include; maternity leave, paternity leave, protracted illness or injury, long service leave or extended carers leave.

9. Use of approved logo

At completion and conferring of the APodA Career Framework pathway, the following logo can now be displayed according to the following guidelines.

Credentialled podiatrists using the logo must comply with the following advertising and use of logo terms and conditions:

  • It is the responsibility of the credentialled podiatrist to ensure that advertising matter, and associated material made accessible by means of html links or similar, conforms to appropriate standards such as the Australian Consumer Law and Ahpra guidelines.
  • It is the responsibility of the credentialled podiatrist to provide all material, words and images, in accordance with the guidelines and specifications for advertising.
  • It is the responsibility of the credentialled podiatrist to ensure there are no errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies contained in material submitted.
  • Upon expiry of APodA membership the credentialled podiatrist will immediately cease to use the logo and will remove it from all areas of marketing or advertising.
  • The logo must not be altered in any way (Version 1.1 2019).
  • Credentialled podiatrist are not permitted to provide the logo to any third party, except for the purposes of advertisement or promotion of the podiatrist.
  • By using the logo, the credentialled podiatrist is agreeing to these terms and conditions.

10. Appeals process

Participants may request an appeal for the failure of their exam or assessment piece. If a participant feels that the failure of their exam or assessment piece was as a result of an external parties interference, conflict of interest, risk of bias or the APodA, participants are directed to submit an appeal to: A member of The APodA Career Framework Reference Group will assess the appeal.

11. Certification of voluntary participation

Members of the APodA Career Framework Reference Group will be provided with a certificate of involvement annually. This certificate will meet the requirements of Category V. Community Service (maximum 5 hours) − making a contribution to the podiatry profession (Podiatry Board of Australia, Registration Standard: Continuing professional development, 2015)

12. Privacy and confidentiality consent form

All case study submissions and Viva exam submissions must be accompanied by a completed privacy and confidentiality consent form. Career framework participants are reminded of their obligations of complying with confidentiality and privacy as per the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, the Podiatry Board's code of ethics and professional conduct when interacting with the APodA Career Framework.

13. Conflict of interest

Career framework participants and assessors are to disclose conflicts of interest or risks of bias. In instances where obvious conflicts of interest are identified, participants are asked to email Please note the glossary of terms for definitions regarding a conflict of interest versus a risk of bias.

14. Spot check audits

Spot check audits to ensure compliance with guidelines as stated may be made at any time and without notice. Spot check audits will include the continued use of a credentialled title and logo without APodA membership. If it is assessed that the person fails to meet the required standards or terms of reference, the APodA retains the right to withdraw approval.

Review the Paediatrics Pathway >

Review the Sports/Biomechanics Pathway >