APodA Podcast

APodA Podcast

The Australian Podiatry Association Podcast is now available featuring podiatrists and distinguished guests speaking on topics that directly interest pods and other allied health professionals. Packed with interesting, insightful and relevant discussions, interviews and some of our most popular pre recorded online education sessions.

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Australian Podiatry Association Podcast direct link


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Forensic Podiatry: Its role in solving true crime

The following podcast contains themes which may be disturbing to some listeners and/or may not be suitable for young audiences. Listener discretion is advised.

In this fascinating episode we dive deep into the world of Forensic Podiatry to hear about real life criminal cases, what’s involved in forensic podiatry analysis and how to explore this career path.

Join the APodA as we speak with Dr Paul Bennett, a well-known forensic podiatrist who uses his skills to provide evidence in criminal law cases and trials, of which he has worked on over 36 major crimes and counting...

Changing lives through foot health intervention

In this episode we are talking about a disability and development organisation called Motivation Australia, and the role podiatry has in the kind of work being done. This not for profit runs life saving and life changing projects in developing countries to strengthen locally led sustainable health, disability, rehabilitation and assistive technology sectors.

Join the APodA for our recent conversation with Motivation Australia’s Clinical Project Officer, Tom Fitzpatrick and Surgical Ward Nurse, Roselyn Mataki Solowara who shares her experiences of working as a registered nurse at the national referral hospital in Honiara, in the Solomon Islands.

Starting school kids on the right foot

Back to school shoe shopping can be overwhelming and confusing so join us for this special Back-to-School episode as we cover everything parents need to know before hitting the shops.

Podiatrist, Hayley Uden and Phil Scala from Colorado chat all things school shoes to better understand why school shoes matter so much for growing feet and how to get it right.

We hear their top tips to help guarantee you pick the perfect pair of school shoes – and leave with happy children who are comfortable in their new school shoes!

Infection, prevention and control in podiatry. The what, when how and why! Everything you need to know to be IC compliant in 2022.

The APodA has updated its infection control (IC) guidelines to help members understand the latest insights in this often complex space.

Join our APodA President Ainslie Davies and our Infection Control Consultant Brenda Tonkin as we discuss why infection prevention control is so important, why we have the APodA IC resources, an overview of the changes, why all pods need to keep on top of IC compliance, the benefits of becoming an IC accredited practice, what amendments are likely in future and how to access your individualised IC guidelines.

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

For those diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) it can be a debilitating and exhaustive condition. There are no definitive ‘tests’ for CRPS and a patient’s doctor has to exclude a number of other conditions that may appear similar before reaching the diagnoses.

Join the APodA as we learn more about CRPS with Sports Physician and Chief Medical Officer for St Kilda AFLW, Dr Leesa Huguenin

The Importance of Nutrition in the Older Patient

Up to 50% of residents in aged care homes are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. These figures are somewhat less in the community, but older people living in their own home, in a retirement community or serviced apartment remain at risk of an inadequate intake.

This may seem a slightly left-of-centre topic to be discussing on a podcast developed for podiatrists, after all nutrition in older patients isn’t necessarily about feet. It is however - linked to the overall health and well-being of the patient’s podiatrists see and that, as we know is important to everyone …

Join the APodA as we discuss this important topic with Advanced Accredited Practising Dietician, Julie Dundon and Accredited Practising Dietitian, Letizia Sasanelli.

Secrets from an Olympian: Mindsets, setbacks, and feet!

Join Tokyo Olympian Matthew Clarke as we chat candidly about mindsets, overcoming injuries and general fitness and foot health tips.

As a high-performance athlete, Matt has more in common with every day Australians than you might first think. Hear his top tips for looking after your feet, how to bounce back physically and mentally from that sporting injury and why loving your feet is so important. He chats about what goes through his mind right before a high stakes competition and how he bounced back from when he thought his Olympian dream was over (twice!).

Listen to our special Foot Health Week podcast with Matt to learn more about his Olympic experience and his role as a podiatrist in helping to keep Australians pain free and moving with good foot health

Women in Football: boots and all.

Hosted by Nicki Quigley, Hawthorn Football Club podiatrist along with Australian Wallaroos Rugby Union players Sera Naiqama and Emily Chancellor.

Join us to chat all things football; how to support the female football industry, staying motivated during a pandemic, bouncing back from serious injuries and exciting developments in female specific football boots.

This podcast was brought to you by our Foot Health Week partner ASICS

Working with Patients Living with Dementia
Treating patients who live with the challenges of Dementia presents very specific issues in terms of communication, patient management and in some cases handling. The patients suffer from many foot issues common to the elderly population, but in some cases their inability to communicate can be difficult to navigate.
In this Dementia Action Week 2021, join the APodA as we discuss some of the challenges and considerations when working with patients with Dementia.
For podiatrists interested in learning more about working with patients living with dementia, take a look at the below resources:

Patient Centred Care. What is it, and how can we apply the principles in practice?
As practitioners we like to think the care we provide is always ‘patient centred’, but apart from being a bit of a ‘buzz-word’, what IS Patient Centred Care? , what does it look like in a real podiatry practice and how can practitioners apply the principles daily, for the benefit of their patients and their business?

Join the APodA as we discuss this and more with Podiatrist Rebecca Healey and Patient Centred Care advocate, Shelley Thomson.

To access some of the sites and resources mentioned in the podcast, review list below;
Standards - Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (second edition)
Person-Centred Tool Kit
developed by the Australian Diabetes Educators Association
The Health Foundation, UK
Person-centred care made simple: What everyone should know about person-centred care.
International Consortium For Health Outcomes Measurement
Value Institute of Health and Care.
An introduction to the framework is provided here

Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis and the role of the Podiatrist with Dr Narelle Wyndow
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a commonly diagnosed condition with studies showing around 20% of the population experiencing some kind of patellofemoral (PF) joint pain in their lifetime.

Join the APodA for our recent conversation with Dr Narelle Wyndow as we discuss the symptoms, possible treatment options and the role of the podiatrist in assessing and providing options for PF osteoarthritis in younger and older patients and when to refer for further treatments.

Working with Children on the Autism Spectrum with Dr Cylie Williams
With many podiatrists seeing more children in their practices, its common for podiatrists to work with children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Hugely rewarding, especially when you see progress, it can be challenging to navigate communication and to adapt consultations and your environment to help improve the experience for all involved. In this episode of the APodA podcast, we’re joined by Dr Cylie Williams to discuss her experience working with children diagnosed with ASD and her strategies for understanding and communication.

APERF | Advancing Podiatry Research
APERF's aim is to advance podiatry research in Australia - but who's behind the scenes and what do they do? How much do you really know about APERF and the work they do and support?

Join the APodA as we chat with two APERF Trustees; Dr Susan Nacarrow and Professor Hylton Menz to learn more about APERFs aims, values and projects.

What is Sustainability in Healthcare and how can clinicians contribute to positive change?

Within the healthcare sector, environmental sustainability occurs when resources are used as efficiently as possible, without compromising the quality of care for patients. Reducing the environmental impact of health care is important, and not least of all because of its links to the health of the environment.

We all acknowledge the need to reduce our footprint, yet what can practitioners do in their practices that help efforts towards more sustainable behaviour in healthcare facilities?

Join the APodA and Dr Angela Evans in our latest podcast episode, as we learn more about sustainability, the principles behind efforts to reduce emissions and waste, and the impact if we don’t start making positive changes now.

The Use of Sonography in Podiatry
Do you use diagnostic ultrasound in your practice?
Ultrasound is becoming more and more common in podiatry to assist with the assessment and diagnosis of a number of foot complaints ... but how often do you use it? Are you confident in the use of it, or has become an assessment you choose to refer on?

In this latest episode of the APodA Podcast, we’re joined by Dr Debbie Turner and Sonographer Brendan Goode to learn more about this often underutilised and possibly misunderstood modality.

Understanding Lymphoedema with Professor Neil Piller
Chronic swelling, or edema of the lower limbs can be a sign of several medical conditions. The most common of these being lymphoedema, venous insufficiency, heart or kidney failure.

Join the APodA as we speak with Professor Neil Piller, Lymphologist and Director of the Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit at Flinders University. Neil discusses lymphoedema and the complications, assessment and treatment of the condition and how podiatrists can play a role in best practice healthcare for the patient.

Common Exercise Myths Busted! with Talysha Reeve
Stretch before you exercise, you’ll avoid injuries. Exercise in the morning, its more effective. Doing more cardio equals more weight loss …

For every two correct fitness concepts, there’s one lie. There are dozens of exercise myths that can do more harm than good and no one is ever sure where they came from! Exercise advice can be misleading, so join the APodA as we chat with podiatrist and Clinical Rehab Fitness Trainer, Talysha Reeve to debunk some of the fitness and exercise myths that plague our patients (and sometimes ourselves).

What's your WHY? | The Journey to finding your WHY with Samantha Gash and Joe Brooks

The 'Start with Why' movement was started by Simon Sinek to help people connect to their purpose and feel more inspired at work, by exploring the fundamental question of ‘WHY’. This successful movement affirmed that for people to be truly successful and happy in work, they need to understand the ‘WHY’ behind it.

With so much uncertainty, it has been easy to lose direction and disconnect from your purpose, your ’WHY’. In this podcast, podiatrist Joe Brooks chats to Samantha Gash about her experience of and journey to finding her ‘WHY’.

Samantha started running as a break from studying law to discover her ‘WHY’. Little did she know those small steps would turn into a journey that has seen her run over 35,000km across every continent and raise approximately $1.3 million for charity while advocating for women’s empowerment, social change and access to education.

Joe and Samantha chat about finding purpose, reconnecting to your WHY and how this impacts your career.

What’s On? | The 2021 Australian Podiatry Conference

If you haven’t been able to get to a previous Australian Podiatry Conference, then 2021 might just be the year!

Online for the first time, with sessions available over 2 weeks (fit workshops, lectures and panel discussions in after work or on the weekend), word class speakers, networking events and more - the 2021 conference is gearing up to be quite unique.

Join us as we hear from committee members Dr Debbie Turner and Dr Sarah Carter as they discuss all that the conference has to offer and more.

For those interested in having a closer look at the Australian Podiatry Conference program and speakers - click here

2021 Australian Podiatry Conference Keynote. Professor David Hunter | Osteoarthritis. Assessment & the Treatment Pathway

Recorded recently, the APodA are excited to welcome Professor Hylton Menz as he interviews Professor David Hunter, Rheumatology Clinician & Researcher AND Keynote Speaker at the upcoming July 3 - 17, 2021 Australian Podiatry Conference. Join Hylton and David as they discuss osteoarthritis, the assessment and treatment pathway and the impact this condition has on patients.

For those interested in having a closer look at the Australian Podiatry Conference program and speakers, click here where you will find all the details for registration, the program and more …

So, You Want to be a Podiatric Surgeon?

Dr Paul Armanasco has been a Podiatric Surgeon since 2012, but what training pathway did he follow and what attracted Paul to podiatric surgery in the first place?

Join us as we chat with Paul about his journey with podiatric surgery, the different pathways an individual can take to attain the credential and the highs and lows of being a podiatric surgeon ...

The Challenges & Inspirations of Rural / Remote Podiatry

We have seen it reported many times, Australians in rural and remote areas have poorer health outcomes than those in metropolitan areas, and workforce shortages are a major contributor – particularly when it comes to allied health workers.

Podiatrist Virginia Black works for Boab Health Services in the Kimberley region, WA. She is 8hrs from Darwin and 10hrs from Broome. That. Is. Remote! It’s challenging yet inspiring work, and Virginia recently sat down with the APodA to discuss what drew her to the region, what she loves about working in the communities she spends time in and some of the more interesting challenges she faces.

The Australasian Council of Podiatry Deans. An important voice for podiatry educators

A relatively new group, established in June 2019 - the ACPD emerged from what was the previous Australian & New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC) ... we sat down recently and asked members of the ACPD to explain their role and the relevance of the ACPD to the future of the podiatry profession.

Join the APodA podcast as we discuss the ACPD purpose and aims with members Professor Caroline Robinson, Dr Mike Frecklington and Dr Ryan Causby.

Thinking of Buying or Selling a Podiatry Practice? What to consider before signing on the dotted line…

We all acknowledge 2020 was NOT the best of times. The effects of such a challenging year has taken it's toll in many ways and may have given you pause for thought ... Is it time to sell up? or is it your time to launch that new venture and open your own practice?

Buying or selling a practice is never straight forward and there are markets, checklists, strategies and numbers to consider ... Join the APodA and Medical Business Broker Brian Hill as we discuss the current market conditions for Buyers and Sellers and some of the important considerations you can't ignore if you're looking at joining the podiatry practice market

Let’s Talk Paediatric Dermatoses

Podiatrists are well placed to assist parents in identifying things like fungal, bacterial and viral infections in their child’s feet or lower limbs OR conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis and even autoimmune and connective tissue disorders. Yet how much do we really know about skin conditions in kids under 16 and how to treat them - and in some cases, treat them differently to adults?

Join the APodA podcast as we learn more about dermatoses in children from Podiatrist Joseph Frenkel

The Positives From 2020 | There have been some!

While each of us have felt the pain and stress that has been 2020, it may be difficult to see the positives we've learned from the past 12 months - but there have been some!

Join the APodA for our final podcast for 2020 as we chat with Board President Katrina Richards, Board Member Shelley Thompson and CEO Nello Marino about, not just the challenges faced by the podiatry profession in 2020, but what we've learned and what we're going to take away from what has truly been a year of change.

Professional Responsibilities | Where do they start and end?

Good practise in podiatry involves a duty of care and complying with statutory reporting requirements, including those under the National Law. Podiatrists have a duty to make the care of patients of clients their first concern and to practise safely and effectively, maintaining a high level of professional competence and conduct - essential for good care. But as a Podiatrist is the Code of Conduct where that starts and ends and what are your obligations when it comes to mandatory reporting? Join the APodA as we discuss this and more with Lawyer, Johanna Churchill

Evidence Based Practice | How DO you find the best evidence to guide your practice?

Clinical decision making is a complex process. It is dynamic and fluid, involving gathering data from multiple sources, interpreting and reasoning the information, collaborating with both the patient and other professionals. You then have to choose a course of action and evaluate the outcomes of that choice ... Yet, how does a busy podiatrist find the time for this and how do they find the appropriate sources? Join the APodA and Dr Sheree Hurn as we discuss this and more.

Recognising Signs of Abuse in Patients: What support can podiatrists provide?

Abuse, exploitation or neglect in patients is unfortunately something podiatrists do happen upon from time to time. How can you support yourself and your patient in this instance? Join us as we discuss this important topic with Social Worker, Heath Archibald. Listen as we explore how to understand the signs and indicators of abuse and what support services are available for you and your patient.

Support Groups and Sites as mentioned in the podcast episode

Podiatry. Its More Than Just Toenails

“… podiatrists are expensive, AND they just cut toenails” … “didn’t you know? a GP can do everything a Podiatrist does”.

There are so many myths about what podiatrists do, that the APodA decided it was time for some myth busting with podiatrists Fran Henshaw and Charlotte Bodell in this special Foot Health Week podcast episode.

Podiatrists are the experts when it comes to lower limb health. That means they’re experts in helping with toe or foot discomfort, ankle or shin pain. It means they’re the experts in lower limb skin or nail complaints, or how your trainers are slowing you down at the Park Run. Get Back On Track. Learn more about what podiatrists can help you with – because they’ll make sure you have fit feet for a better you.

Chronic Pain | Same Same, But Different

What does chronic pain mean to you? What does it mean for the next patient in your diary? What's the different between acute pain and chronic pain?
Regardless of the definition, the reality of chronic pain is that any acute pain presentation can transition to chronic pain if treated poorly or not at all ... Join the APodA as we hear from podiatrist Melissa Zacharia as she delves into the very complex paradigm of chronic pain.

Will "COVID Toes" Also Mean The Return Of The Humble Case Study?

Join the APodA as we speak with Dr Ivan Bristow about the background for his published article "The Mystery of COVID Toes - Turning evidence based medicine on its head" ... Is the humble case study experiencing a renaissance? and does the recent pandemic serve as a highlight for how all types and levels of evidence can have relevance in modern healthcare?

COVID-19 | What Has Been the Impact on the 2020 Podiatry Cohort?

We hear a lot in the media about the COVID1-19 pandemic’ impact on universities, but what is the reality of this on podiatry students and how have universities adapted course content and delivery for the 2020 cohort and graduates? Join the APodA and representatives from La Trobe University, CQ University and University SA as we explore this and more in our latest podcast episode.

Difficult Conversations | Don’t Leave Them Hanging

Ever buried your head in the sand to avoid having ‘that conversation’? We’ve all been there … Join the APodA and Clinic Mastery’s Jack O’Brien as we explore some simple strategies to help us manage those difficult conversations we’re all too eager to put off.

Thinking About Doing Your PhD? | The ins and outs of PhD study for podiatrists

The APodA invited Dr Tom Walsh and Dr Simon Sweeney to help us navigate this interesting topic. Join us while we learn more on how the PhD process works and what it involves.

Time To Look Outside the Big Smoke! | How to attract graduates to regional podiatry roles

Join the APodA as we discuss the very real challenge to attract and retain podiatrists to regional and rural locations ... we are joined by Charles Sturt University Associate Podiatry Head of School and Discipline Lead, Professor Caroline Robinson and Anna Couch, Podiatrist with Peninsula Health and Research Assistant with Monash University' P.A.I.G.E Study. Listeners are reminded to participate (if you haven't already) in the 2020 P.A.I.G.E Study. You can find the study here

The Opportunity in Every Difficulty

Join the APodA as we speak with Daniel Gibbs, Founding Director of Clinic Mastery and Podiatrist on how podiatry businesses can best support themselves, their teams and patients, AND prepare for their business growth post Covid-19

The Return to Professional League: The post COVID-19 return to sport for the elite athlete

Join the APodA as we chat with Sports Podiatrist Michael Kinchington and Physiotherapist Mick Baines to discuss some of the challenges professional athletes may have faced over the past few months and their return to top level play.

The Hand Sanitiser’s by the door – Podiatry Home Visits and COVID-19

Join the APodA as we speak with Mary-Ellen Redmayne and Claire Farquharson from The Foot Stop about how home visits have, and haven't really changed since the recent pandemic. Home visits are more important than ever. Listen to find out how one podiatry business has gone from strength to strength in these challenging times.

Burnout and the Australian Podiatrist

Podiatrists frequently have client interactions that are not always related to foot problems. Solutions to the client’s issues may not be obvious and sometimes client care can be emotionally draining and lead to burnout.

Our most recent podcast with Podiatrist and PhD Student Stephanie Bennetts will explore what is known about burnout in allied health, and in particular podiatry and podiatrists in Australia. Hopefully It will encourage you to consider where you fit in this landscape and what intrinsic and extrinsic factors of burnout may be applicable to you.

Gemma and Her Calf Injury: How training load and forces experienced by muscles and tendons influence injury.

Join the APodA and Professor Nick Brown from University of Canberra as Nick explores how internal muscle and tendon forces, and the demands of training might influence the management of injuries to the lower extremity.

APodA CEO & Co: Navigating Pods through COVID-19

Join the APodA team as they discuss all things COVID-19 podiatry related and in particular, its impact on podiatrists. To do this our podcast is joined by the APodA CEO Nello Marino, APodA Board President and podiatrist, Katrina Richards and Cindy Laird, APodA Advocacy Manager.