Advocacy Committee Terms of Reference

Advocacy Committee Terms of Reference


The purpose of the Advocacy Committee (“the Committee”) is to support the strategic objectives of the Board of Directors by developing a program of relevant advocacy initiatives guided by the principles articulated in the Strategic Advocacy Framework.


The Committee reports to and is accountable to, the APodA Board of Directors.

The Committee is authorised by the APodA Board of Directors to establish short term, special interest working groups to examine a specific topic/s on behalf of the Association and in order to develop long term advocacy capability in areas of significance to the Association’s strategic objectives.


The Committee shall comprise at least three and no more than five appointed Members. At least one of the Members must be a current APodA Board Director with an option to appoint up to four Voting Members of the Association.

The Chair of the Advocacy Committee must be an APodA Director. The Advocacy Manager is the Committee Secretary.

Chair of the Committee

The APodA Board of Directors will appoint the Chair of the Committee. Committee appointments will be for a period of three years. Members are eligible for re-appointment with a maximum term of six years.

Should the Advocacy Committee Chair be absent from a meeting, the Committee Members present must appoint a Chair for that particular meeting.


The Advocacy Committee will meet at least six times a year, with authority to convene additional meetings, as circumstances require. All Members are expected to attend each meeting in person or through tele/video conference.

Any person may be invited by the Advocacy Committee Chair to attend meetings of the Advocacy Committee, but not necessarily for the full duration of the meeting. A standing invitation shall be issued to the APodA Chief Executive Officer.

Meeting agendas, along with appropriate briefing materials, will be prepared and provided to Members at least seven days prior to the meeting date.

Minutes will be prepared, approved by the Advocacy Committee Chair and circulated to Members within two weeks of the meeting date. The minutes must be ratified by Members present at the next meeting and signed by the Chair.

Three Members shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Advocacy Committee will not take place without a quorum.

Any matters requiring decision will be decided by a majority of votes of Members present. The Advocacy Committee Chair shall not have a second or casting vote.

Duties and Responsibilities

In support of its purpose, the Advocacy Committee will:

  • Identify emerging advocacy issues and oversee appropriate responses to strategic developments in line with the approved Strategic Advocacy Framework
  • Facilitate and ensure timely submissions are made by the Association on advocacy issues generated by external organisations and publicly debated in the health sector
  • Support the growth of advocacy capacity within the Association
  • Ensure the Association draws upon the appropriate pool of expertise in formation of advocacy positions, involving all relevant committees’ member groups and the wider membership in an inclusive manner
  • Ensure public positions are appropriate, high quality and independent
  • Ensure positions are not inappropriately influenced by any special interest group/s and where possible be representative of the whole membership

Reporting to the Board

The Advocacy Committee Chair is required to provide regular reports to the Board. The manner of reporting may be distribution of a copy of the minutes supplemented by other additional information, including recommendations requiring Board action and/or approval.


The Advocacy Committee will review at least annually these Terms of Reference and recommend to the Board for approval any appropriate amendments.

Approved by the Board of Directors: 16 April 2018