Advocacy Digital Health

Advocacy Digital Health


Digital health and allied health resources offer insight into the digital landscape and its impact on allied health.

Digital Toolbox

My Health Record

What is My Health Record?

My Health Record is a secure online summary of key patient health information. Healthcare providers can access the system to view and add information.

Healthcare provider benefits

  • provides immediate access to key health information
  • facilitates the validation and verification of clinical information
  • avoid adverse medication events, provides access to allergy information
  • avoids duplication of tests and diagnostic imaging
  • provides immunisation details
  • improves continuity of care, informs end of life care

Patient benefits

  • prompt access to key health information in an emergency
  • secure, convenient access to health information
  • safer, faster more efficient care
  • less need to remember key aspects of their medical history and medications
  • improved management of health information
  • informed self-management of health conditions

To learn more, click here to access the Australian Digital Health Agency's resources.

Provider Connect Australia

What is Provider Connect Australia?

A single place to update your business information

Provider Connect Australia™ (also known as PCA™) is an initiative of the Australian Digital Health Agency to help healthcare provider organisations update their business information in a single source. This improves the accuracy of healthcare service and practitioner information while reducing duplication and streamlining notifications.

Helping healthcare providers

Healthcare provider organisations can use PCA to provide consistent, up-to-date information about healthcare services to funders, health service directories, communication services, and other key partners in your healthcare service delivery.

To learn more, click here to access the Australian Digital Health Agency's resources.


What is telehealth?

Telehealth consultations provide patients with a consultation through video or telephone instead of face-to-face.

It uses the transmission of images, voice and data between two or more sites using telecommunications to provide health services, such as clinical advice, consultation, education, and training services. There are three ways telehealth can be used:

  1. Remote patient monitoring – monitoring patient health and clinical information at a distance.
  2. Store-and-forward – transmission of images or information from one healthcare provider to another.
  3. Consultations – connection between a patient and one or more healthcare providers through an audio or video-enabled device.

To learn more, click here to access the Australian Digital Health Agency's resources.

Resource External links

Graham, K., Siatis, C.M., Gunn, K.M. et al. The experiences of health workers using telehealth services for diabetes-related foot complications: a qualitative exploration. J Foot Ankle Res 16, 47 (2023).


Stojmanovski Mercieca LA, Formosa C, Chockalingam N. A scoping review of foot and ankle telemedicine guidelines. Health Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 20;6(1):e1076. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1076. PMID: 36698701; PMCID: PMC9860371.


TeleHealth Consultations Guide for Podiatrists 2020


ePrescribing and ScriptCheck

What is electronic prescribing?

Electronic prescribing is an alternative to paper prescriptions, providing patients with convenient access to their medicines, and improving safety by reducing the risk of transcription errors.

Electronic prescriptions are not mandatory and patients will have a choice to receive either an electronic or a paper prescription (but not both).

Electronic prescribing provides a secure, fast, and efficient supply of medicines to Australians – in person via their doctor or telehealth consultation – sent directly to the patient’s mobile phone or email. Electronic prescriptions are available nationally as a ‘token’ (via SMS or email) or can be added to an Active Script List (ASL).

To learn more, click here to access the Australian Digital Health Agency's resources.

Script Check/Real-time prescription monitoring

Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM) is a system designed to track and monitor the dispensing of prescription medications in real-time or near real-time. The primary goal of RTPM is to enhance patient safety, prevent prescription drug misuse, and curb the opioid epidemic by providing healthcare professionals with timely information about a patient's prescription history.

State System Mandatory (11/01/24)
Australian Capital Territory Canberra Script No - Using Canberra Script is voluntary
New South Wales SafeScript NSW No
Northern Territory NTScript Yes
Queensland QScript Yes
South Australia ScriptCheck SA Yes
Tasmania TasScript No
Victoria SafeScript Yes
Western Australia ScriptCheckWA Yes
Cyber security

The Australian Digital Health Agency offers a number of resources to healthcare providers and their teams that aid them in better-identifying threats and mitigating potential impacts.

To learn more, click here to access the Australian Digital Health Agency's resources.

Digital Maturity/Readiness

Digital maturity

Digital maturity for podiatry clinics involves integrating technology for operational efficiency and enhanced patient care. Understanding current business maturity is crucial, allowing clinics to assess their digital capabilities and identify areas for improvement.

The business digital maturity assessment tool from serves as a resource for small to mid businesses, which includes private podiatry clinics. This tool seeks to empower you to evaluate your clinic's digital readiness, fostering transparency among clinic members about strengths and weaknesses.

This tool strives to guide clinics in strategic technology investments, streamlining processes, and improving patient engagement.

Embracing digital maturity is vital for staying competitive and adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape, ultimately delivering optimal podiatric services. Access the Business Digital Maturity tool here.

Understanding Your Patient's Digital Readiness

Click here to start the journey.

Digital readiness, in the context of empowering podiatrists, encompasses the patient's ability, motivation, and competence in accessing, using, and feeling comfortable with various technologies.

By being aware of these factors, podiatrists can better tailor their approach to meet each person's unique needs and preferences, ultimately enhancing their engagement and outcomes in the digital healthcare landscape.

This patient readiness form aims to offer a greater understanding of your patients' current digital health readiness, and knowledge that will empower you to make sensitive and sustainable decisions when considering using digital tools within your patient's treatment.

Resource External links

Digital health for allied health practitioners (AHPA) include:

  • Allied health software selection assistance tool
  • Clinical note-taking using medical software

  • Connection guides for allied health professionals

  • Contacts, referrals & secure messaging for allied health professionals

  • Digital health for allied health webinars

  • Digital health inclusion tool

  • Digital health policy templates

  • Digital health toolkits

  • Medical software for allied health providers

  • My Health Record for allied health providers


Department of Health and Aged Care - Data Strategy 2022-2025


National Digital Health Strategy and Framework for Action (Australian Digital Health Agency)


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) - Ways to protect your privacy


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) - Privacy Awareness Week (2023)


Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) - Resources for Business and Government


Literature External links

Parker, D.J., Nuttall, G.H., Bray, N. et al. A randomised controlled trial and cost-consequence analysis of traditional and digital foot orthoses supply chains in a National Health Service setting: application to feet at risk of diabetic plantar ulceration. J Foot Ankle Res 12, 2 (2019).


Palmer, J.L., Siddle, H.J., Redmond, A.C. et al. Implementation of podiatry telephone appointments for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. J Foot Ankle Res 14, 4 (2021).


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Digital health, AIHW, Australian Government
