Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

Your privacy is very important to the Australian Podiatry Association. As part of the normal operation of this site, the Australian Podiatry Association may collect certain information from you. This privacy policy details what information the Australian Podiatry Association collects, how it uses that information and what your rights are regarding any information that you supply to it. The Australian Podiatry Association is subject to the requirements of applicable Australian law and strives to meet the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles.

Your information and Your Right to Privacy

You can elect to provide as much or as little information as you choose although the Australian Podiatry Association requires a minimum set of information to provide access to its site. What you provide is your choice.

The Australian Podiatry Association will under no circumstances sell, trade or rent any personal information that you supply to it to any third party. The Australian Podiatry Association has partnerships with commercial organisations and those partners will, from time to time, request that the Australian Podiatry Association send information to people on the Australian Podiatry Association database as part of the partnership. Any Australian Podiatry Association or partner information is sent by the Australian Podiatry Association and data is not provided to any third party. In short, information you supply to the Australian Podiatry Association stays with the Australian Podiatry Association. The Australian Podiatry Association may disclose personal information to the following third parties to satisfy standard operating procedures of the Australian Podiatry Association:

  • IT service providers
  • Marketing and communications agencies
  • Agencies that conduct member surveys on our behalf
  • Mailing houses
  • Printers that print and distribute our publications and marketing material

By using the site and the Australian Podiatry Association’s services, you acknowledge and accept that it will use your personal data as set out in this privacy policy. If you do not accept this privacy policy, please immediately stop using the site and/or the Australian Podiatry Association’s services or any part of them. In these circumstances, you will not be able to register or purchase anything further using the site.

Australian Podiatry Association is the controller responsible for your personal data. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, including requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact the Australian Podiatry Association at
The site may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. We strongly recommend you read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

Australian Podiatry Association adheres to the principles set out in data protection legislation when handling personal data. These principles require personal data to be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
  • Collected only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed
  • Not kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed
  • Processed in a manner that ensures its security using appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage
  • Not transferred to another country without appropriate safeguards being in place
  • Made available to data subjects and allow data subjects to exercise certain rights in relation to their personal data

The Australian Podiatry Association is also responsible and accountable for ensuring that it can demonstrate compliance with the data protection principles listed above.

Collecting Information

The Australian Podiatry Association may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you. It collects and process personal data about you when you:

  • Access and use the site and its services
  • Register an account on the site
  • Leave a comment on the site
  • Place an advertisement on the site
  • Make an enquiry about a particular product on the site
  • Submit a general enquiry to the Australian Podiatry Association
  • Enter a competition
  • Subscribe to the Australian Podiatry Association’s newsletter
  • Leave your feedback or review on the site
  • Make a payment through the site

The Australian Podiatry Association may hold the following information about you:

  • Name, address, telephone number(s)
  • Date of birth
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Email address
  • Occupation
  • Transaction details associated with services we have provided to you
  • Additional information provided by us to you
  • Information you have provided to us via client surveys

The Australian Podiatry Association may also collect, use and share aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data. Aggregated data derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data under data protection law as it does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, the Australian Podiatry Association may aggregate data about your use of the site to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific feature. Likewise, the Australian Podiatry Association may aggregate data that it collects through your use of the site in order to produce certain benchmarking reports. However, if the Australian Podiatry Association combines or connects aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, the Australian Podiatry Association treats the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this privacy policy.

Access to Personal Information

You have the right to review and alter any personal membership information that the Australian Podiatry Association stores about you. After all, it is your information, so you should be the person that controls it. Should you wish to access this information please contact Australian Podiatry Association’s. Unless the access you request will require special steps or significant resources, there will be no charge for providing you with this access.

To change your personal information you must login to your account with your unique login and password via the Australian Podiatry Association website


By choosing to register on the Australian Podiatry Association web site or as a member of the Australian Podiatry Association, you may receive information from the Australian Podiatry Association about membership, Australian Podiatry Association services, partner information and offers. The Australian Podiatry Association uses this method to communicate quickly with you. You have the right to refuse inclusion on a mailing list. You can make a request to remove your email address from a mailing list by contacting Australian Podiatry Association at

The Australian Podiatry Association uses your email address, your mailing address and phone number to contact you regarding administrative notices, publications, and communications relevant to your use of the site and your Australian Podiatry Association membership. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you have the ability to opt out by contacting Australian Podiatry Association at

From time to time, the Australian Podiatry Association arranges mailings using the contact information you have provided, from its business partners (including corporate partners and endorsed product manufacturers/suppliers). These mailings aim to provide you with information and benefits available to you.
If you do not wish to receive information from Australian Podiatry Association 's business partners, you should advise your local Australian Podiatry Association Branch or notify Australian Podiatry Association’s.


As part of the normal operation of this site, your internet browser will be sent a "cookie" (a temporary internet file). This cookie enhances the site's functionality with features such as membership logon and electronic ordering. By itself, this cookie can only identify your computer to Australian Podiatry Association’s server; it is not used to identify you personally.

Your personal password to access the Australian Podiatry Association website protects your privacy. We recommend that you do not disclose, share or reveal this password to any other individual.

Change of Purpose

It is not anticipated that any information will be disclosed to overseas recipients. If this were to change this page will be updated.

From time to time, the Australian Podiatry Association may decide to collect different kinds of information. When this occurs, the Australian Podiatry Association will update this privacy page.

Privacy Enquires

You have the right to complain regarding any aspect of your privacy rights. If you have a complaint, please contact the Australian Podiatry Association.

Australian Podiatry Association Membership

If you decide to become a member of the Australian Podiatry Association, and we hope that you do, the Australian Podiatry Association will ask you for additional personal details. You may also opt to provide the Australian Podiatry Association with more information such as special interest areas you may have where you are employed and your date of birth. Relevant information is disclosed to the public on the internet via the Australian Podiatry Association's 'Find a Podiatrist' online searchable database only. You must approve the use of your details on this database. Whether you decide to use this service is your choice.


Your information is stored on the Australian Podiatry Association’s server located in a secure data housing facility. While, it is important to recognise that "perfect security" does not exist on the internet, the Australian Podiatry Association is committed to using industry standard mechanisms to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information such as firewalls and Secure Socket Layers.

Credit Card Information

The Australian Podiatry Association does not permanently store credit card information anywhere on this site.

Australian Podiatry Association Members Privacy

The Australian Podiatry Association has a strong commitment to protecting your privacy and ensuring the confidentiality and security of personal information provided to the Australian Podiatry Association by you. As an organisation the Australian Podiatry Association is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 which came into effect in March 2014.

You have the right to access the personal information about yourself held by the Australian Podiatry Association and to correct information which is inaccurate. To change your information, you must log into your account with your unique login and password via the Australian Podiatry Association website

Information you have provided to the Australian Podiatry Association is used to:

  • Process applications and renewals and to update your membership details and profile information
  • Notify members and the public that you have met our requirements for credentialing (e.g. specialisation or titling)
  • Provide information to consumers and others on the availability of physiotherapy services
  • Conduct market research in order to identify and analyse the ongoing needs of Australian Podiatry Association members
  • Ensure compliance with the Australian Podiatry Association's Constitution and Regulations
  • Provide you with Australian Podiatry Association publications and information
  • Provide you with access to and information about current and future member benefits


You acknowledge and agree that by providing your personal and/or sensitive information to the Australian Podiatry Association that the Australian Podiatry Association, its related bodies corporate and partners and each of their officers, employees, agents and contractors are permitted to collect, store, use and disclose your personal information in the manner set out in this privacy policy and in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Contact Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a concern or issue in relation to how we collect, store, use or disclose your personal information.

If your concern relates to your Australian Podiatry Association membership or another Australian Podiatry Association function or service please contact us by call or mail us at the following address:
Australian Podiatry Association
Postal address: 89 Nicholson Street VIC 3057
Telephone: 03 9416 3111
Facsimile: 03 9463188